System merge is a collaboration between two people to create maximized energy waves for peaceful or violent purposes. A System Merge consists of two different kinds of people, a Flux Executor and a Synergist.
Please Read Below to understand these two concepts...
Please Read Below to understand these two concepts...
FLUX EXECUTORAnyone possessing this Ability extracts energy out of any object, manipulates it and recycles it back into nature. In other words, takes energy from nature and can either gently put it back or can violently make it come out all at once (like seen In the Picture above). There are a bit of setbacks to this if done alone, if a Flux executor releases energy without the help of a synergist, the beam becomes distorted and the user can take on damage. This will shorten his or her life span by half if he or she does not become a part of a System Merge.A person with this ability may also use their body to store energy but the energy may become corrupted or lost rending it useless.
SYNERGISTAnyone possessing this ability to efficiently transmit energy contained in a Flux Executor back into the world. A synergist job is to make sure an Energy blast is efficient, is amplified or reduced and does not harm the Flux Executor. To make energy more efficient a synergist must use an I.N.T-EYE (goggles seen above) to view the energy being displaced. Then operate a Quantum Manipulator (arm band seen above) to make the noise level (fluctuations in energy), which is changes in Intense, phase and quantum sound. In other words makes the beam much more focused and efficient. Without an Synergist the beam would be half as powerful and the Flux Executor would be receiving internal damage. Synergist also must be able to hack into systems and take info and plant viruses, in other words cyber terrorists. They utilize Spherical Super Computer for such activities (pictured above). Their bodies can also store energy without getting disordered or lost.